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At Clayton Pressure Washing, we offer premium pressure washing services that will help your property look its best. Our house washing is second to none and we can help your hom elook its best! Our team of experts uses top-of-the-line equipment to safely and effectively remove dirt, grime, and other tough stains from surfaces such as decks, patios, driveways, and more. We also offer soft washing services for delicate surfaces such as roofs and siding.
Contact us today to receive a free quote for house washing services for your property. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and delivering outstanding results every time.
Let us help with allergy season with our pollen removal service for your home or business. Peak Pollen season ends at the end of March 2024, so April is a great time to have your home pressure washed.
Our long range and low pressure services can reach those pesky dormers. No need in risking harm climbing on a ladder when we can clean them comfortably from the ground. Porches are a breeze and we will gladly help remove items if needed.
Algae is no match for our eco-friendly pressure washing solutions. Guaranteed not to harm your siding, but strong enough to clean and ensure algae doesn't degrade your homes siding.
Allow us to carefully clean your windows from the ground. Our medium pressure cleaning can remove dirt, grime, dirt dobbers, and wasp nests.
Our low pressure roof washing service can safely clean your homes most important part. Roof washing can even extend the life of your roof!
No need for you to risk harm or injury trying to clean out your gutters. Using camera and suction, we can safely do it from the ground.
Our residential pressure washing services can help improve the curb appeal of your home. We can clean your driveway, patio, siding, and more. Our team uses eco-friendly detergents to ensure a safe and effective clean.
We offer commercial pressure washing services for businesses of all sizes. Our team can clean your storefront, parking lot, sidewalks, and more. We use high-quality equipment to ensure a thorough and efficient clean.
If you own a fleet of vehicles, keeping them clean can be a challenge. Our fleet washing services can help. We can clean your trucks, vans, and other vehicles on a regular basis to ensure they always look their best.
Over time, roofs can become dirty and stained. Our team can clean your roof using safe and effective methods. We can remove moss, algae, and other stains to help improve the look and lifespan of your roof. Ask us about cleaning your roof.
Graffiti can be a nuisance for businesses and homeowners. Our team can quickly and effectively remove graffiti from your property. We use safe and eco-friendly methods to ensure a clean surface without damaging the underlying material.
If your deck or fence is looking worn and dirty, we can help. Our team can clean and restore your deck or fence to its original beauty. We use safe and effective cleaning methods to ensure a quality clean.
We love our customers, so feel free to call during normal business hours.
55 North Skymont Drive, Clayton, North Carolina 27527, United States
Mon | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Tue | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Wed | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Thu | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Fri | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Sat | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Sun | Closed |
Clayton Pressure Washing
55 North Skymont Drive, Clayton, North Carolina 27527, United States
Copyright © 2025 Clayton Pressure Washing - All Rights Reserved.
Proudly Woman Owned & Operated
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